11 Secret Home Remedies to Stop Prolonged Periods

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Did you know that there are women who have menstruated all year round? Sounds painful, right? But it is a reality. The bottom line? There is no such thing as ‘normal’ menstruation. Hence, we decided to put together a list of home remedies that you can turn to, when you are facing prolonged periods!

Think about it. Most women undergo a menstrual period once in a month for about more than half of their average lives. This makes it one of the most common shared experiences on earth! However, every period cycle varies.

In fact, not all women get periods while some get them for way too long. Did you know that there are women who have menstruated all year round? Sounds painful, right? But it is a reality.

The bottom line? There is no such thing as ‘normal’ menstruation. Hence, we decided to put together a list of home remedies that you can turn to, when you are facing prolonged periods!

What Causes Prolonged Periods?

The following can be the reasons for prolonged periods. Scroll down to know more. 

  • Hormonal imbalance: Hormones such as progesterone and estrogen regulate the menstrual cycle. Conditions such as thyroid problems, polycystic ovary syndrome, and obesity may cause these hormones to become imbalanced, thus causing prolonged menstrual bleeding.2 
  • Non-cancerous growths in the uterus: Benign growths in the uterus such as polyps, fibroids, and adenomyosis may hamper the growth of uterus cells and thus lead to prolonged menstrual bleeding.2 
  • Cancerous growths in the uterus: Cancers such as uterine cancer, cervical cancer and endometrial hyperplasia may affect the reproductive system, thus causing a prolonged menstrual flow.2 
  • Infection: Sexually transmitted infections can lead to prolonged periods.2 
  • Complications related to pregnancy: Conditions such as miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and C-section delivery can lead to prolonged periods.2 
  • Medical conditions: Medical conditions such as Von Willebrand disease, liver disease, kidney disease, pelvic inflammatory disease, and leukaemia may lead to heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding.2 

Symptoms of Prolonged Periods:

Prolonged periods are accompanied by the following symptoms: 

  • Pain in the abdomen 
  • Periods that last more than seven days 
  • Blood clots of the size of a coin or a bigger one are passed during menstrual flow. 
  • The colour of the blood may appear to be red, pink, brown or rust. 
  • Bleeding that requires the use of one or more pads or tampons every hour for more than two consecutive hours 
  • You lose more than 80 ml of blood during your period instead of the normal 35-40 ml.  
  • Anaemia like symptoms such as feeling exhausted, tired and short of breath 
  • Inter menstrual bleeding (bleeding or spotting that occurs between periods).1,2 

Pro Tips and Tricks to Deal With Prolonged Periods

Besides home remedies to stop prolonged periods and treatments, you might want to make your period more bearable. These tips will help to make your periods more manageable:

1. Menstrual Cup

This is a small silicone cup that you need to insert into the vagina. It will catch all the blood coming from the uterus. It can hold more blood than a pad or tampon. Moreover, it can be very comfortable as you don’t feel anything inside. It is also reusable and eco-friendly. You need to wash it in between uses.

2. Period Panties

This absorbent underwear helps to back up tampons or periods so that you can avoid leaks. You can even wear them without a pad or tampon. They are more comfortable than periods and tampons too.

3. Heating Pad

A heating pad helps to loosen the contracted muscles in your abdomen. This can help provide relief from period cramps.

4. Exercise

When you exercise, you warm up your muscles. When your muscles are warm, they loosen up from their contracted state. This helps ease the pain and cramping. Moreover, exercise releases endorphins which can help boost your mood.

Home Remedies to Stop Prolonged Periods

There is so much pain and discomfort that comes with one’s periods. However, having a prolonged period can make everything feel so much worse. While it is advisable to get it checked by a doctor, you can try some home remedies to stop prolonged periods naturally. Here are some tips that might help:

1. Iron

Heavy blood loss results in iron deficiency. On the flip side, chronic iron deficiency can also cause heavy bleeding. Consult your doctor regarding adding iron or iron supplements to your diet. It’s best to obtain nutrients in your diet. Only if it does not help, add in a supplement. You can add the following iron-rich foods to your diet:

  • Parsley
  • Green Peas
  • Spinach
  • Beetroot

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C can play a big role in reducing heavy periods naturally. This is because vitamin C actively aids iron absorption in the body. You can ask your doctor to recommend a vitamin C supplement, but only if you cannot cover the daily intake in your diet. There are tons of foods you can add to your diet to increase your vitamin C consumption. They are:

  • Guava
  • Oranges
  • Papaya
  • Strawberries
  • Bell pepper
  • Broccoli
  • Kale

3. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is required for red blood production. Hence, a deficiency in Vitamin A can lead to heavy periods. Vitamin A is also required for the optimal oestrogen levels in your body. You can add the following vitamin A-rich foods to your diet:

  • Spinach
  • Sweet potato
  • Red bell pepper
  • Broccoli
  • Lettuce
  • Grapefruit

4. Eating a healthy diet

  • A diet high in processed foods and low in nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables can contribute to hormonal imbalances. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein can help regulate hormones and reduce the duration of your period. Eating foods rich in iron or potassium such as lentils, raisins or bananas may help you during prolonged periods.

5. Tamarind

Tamarind can help regulate blood circulation. Therefore, it is an effective home remedy for heavy blood flow. Moreover, tamarind is rich in antioxidants which help reduce high cholesterol levels and heavy bleeding. You can combine honey, tamarind, and water as a natural remedy. Mix the ingredients in a blender and drink it once a day.

6. Mustard

Mustard seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which help to regulate oestrogen levels in the body. This is a great home remedy for hormonal imbalances. It ultimately helps to regulate the menstrual flow. You can try adding mustard seed powder to your diet.

7. Water

Besides all the herbal interventions, you can try this simple tip. Increasing your fluid intake can help decrease the volume of blood you lose. Drinking plenty of water will help reduce cramps and make your periods pass faster. This is because water helps ensure that blood doesn’t thicken.

8. Ginger

According to studies, ginger can help reduce the level of blood loss during periods. Ginger can lower prostaglandin production in your body and is anti-inflammatory in nature. Since ginger is also a warming food, it further helps to relieve cramps. Before you start any herbal treatment, consult your doctor to figure out if it will suit you or not.

9. Shepherd’s Purse

Shepherd’s purse, a flowering plant in the mustard family, is quite a common home remedy for heavy menstrual flow. There is more anecdotal evidence than scientific evidence; however, it is said that this herb can halt blood flow. In fact, it is said that it is useful for all kinds of bleeding, such as nosebleeds and postpartum haemorrhage. All you need to do is mix a teaspoon of shepherd’s purse with hot water and drink 3-4 cups in a day.

10. Cook in a cast-iron pot

Another way to increase your iron intake is by cooking in a cast-iron skillet. Foods with a lot of moisture — like spaghetti sauce — absorb the most iron.

Stirring the pot often will pull even more iron into your food.

Just be careful not to overdo it. Cooking everything in an iron pot could give you more iron than you need — and it could lead to dangerously high levels in children.

11. Add more iron-rich foods to your diet

When you bleed, you lose iron. Your body needs iron to produce hemoglobin, a molecule that helps red blood cells carry oxygen. Very heavy periods can deplete your body of iron and lead to iron deficiency anemia.

Signs of anemia include:

  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • dizziness
  • pale skin

To get more of this nutrient, eat foods high in iron like:

  • lean beef
  • oysters
  • chicken and turkey
  • beans
  • tofu
  • spinach

How supplements can help

Taking extra vitamins during your period might help with bleeding. Certain nutrients — like iron, especially — help replenish what you lose each month.

Check with your doctor before taking any supplement. They can determine whether you actually need to take a supplement, the appropriate dose for you, and side effects or interactions to watch for.

Potential supplements include:

  • Vitamin C. This vitamin may help reduce bleedingTrusted Source. It might also help your body absorb iron, which can help prevent iron deficiency.
  • Iron. There’s some evidenceTrusted Source that suggests a lack of iron might contribute to heavy periods. If eating an iron-rich diet hasn’t improved your levels, supplementation may help.
  • Blackstrap molasses. This thick, syrupy cane sugar byproduct is more than a recipe additive. It’s a good source of iron, as well as nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and selenium.


Prolonged periods are a common problem affecting lots of women who menstruate. The period may last for more than seven days and is accompanied by heavy blood flow, which hinders the normal day to day activities of an individual.

Women may experience pain in the abdomen, feeling of exhaustion, tiredness, shortness of breath etc. The blood flow is so heavy that it might require a change of pad or tampon every hour.

There is also a discharge of blood clots of the size of a coin or bigger. There are various causes of prolonged periods, which include hormonal imbalance, cancer, non-cancerous growth, infection, pregnancy-related conditions such as C-sections, miscarriages, etc.

However, various home remedies are found to be useful in getting rid of prolonged periods. Improvement in the diet by including various vitamins (such as vitamin A, vitamin B complex, and vitamin C), iron, soya protein, and flaxseeds are found to be effective in the management of prolonged periods. Herbs like Asoka bark and ginger also help in dealing with the condition.  

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are there any home remedies to treat prolonged periods? 

Improvement in the diet by including vitamins, iron, soya protein, flaxseeds and herbs like Asoka bark and ginger helps in the management of prolonged periods.

How common are prolonged periods? 

Prolonged periods are very common, affecting nearly 27% – 54% of women who menstruate.

Is a prolonged period a serious condition? 

A prolonged period becomes a serious condition if one starts showing anaemia like symptoms such as tiredness, shortness of breath, exhaustion etc. Anaemia, if not treated, can be life-threatening.

How long does a prolonged period last? 

A prolonged period is bleeding that lasts for more than seven days. How long the person will bleed depends upon the cause behind the prolonged period.

What pregnancy complications cause a prolonged period? 

Pregnancy complications such as ectopic pregnancy (the fertilised egg implants and grows outside the uterus), miscarriage and C-section deliveries may cause prolonged periods.

Can an iron deficiency cause prolonged periods? 

Yes, iron deficiency can cause prolonged periods. Foods rich in iron such as apricot, raisins, eggs, beans, cooked spinach, ground beef and chicken should be included in the daily diet, especially when blood loss is heavy and persists on a monthly basis.

Can ginger stop prolonged periods? 

Anti-inflammatory agents are found to be effective in reducing prolonged menstrual flow. Ginger inhibits prostaglandin and leukotriene synthesis, thereby acting as an anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, it is used traditionally for the management of prolonged periods.

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