12 Ways to get rid of Cold n Cough

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What’s the cough?

Cough is the body’s natural response to clearing your throat of foreign irritants and mucus. It could also be caused by food blocking your airways. Chronic or acute cough can occur. Chronic cough can last for up to eight weeks. Acute cough is usually short-term.

What causes a cough?

There are many reasons that cough can occur, and they can be either temporary or permanent. These are some common causes of cough:

  • Infections – bacterial or viral
  • Smoking
  • Allergies and asthma
  • Foreign particles and irritants
  • Drug-induced cough-Enalapril and Lisinopril

1. Soup of chicken

For generations, chicken soup has been a staple in the treatment of sickness. It is a quick and easy way to get vitamins, minerals, calories and proteins. These are nutrients your body may require in greater quantities when you’re recovering from illness ( 1Trusted source).

Chicken soup is also rich in fluids and electrolytes. This can be helpful for those who are at high risk of becoming dehydrated from vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, or even fever ( 2Trusted Source).

Warm soups may reduce congestion. Hot or spicy liquids are also helpful ( 3Trusted source).

Cysteine is also found in chicken soup. N-acetylcysteine is a form cysteine and breaks down mucus. It has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant properties ( 4Trusted source, 5Trusted source).

Bone broth can also be used to make homemade chicken soup. However, there is not enough evidence to support these claims. Studio Create/Offset Images

2. Broths

Broths, like chicken soup are excellent sources for fluid and electrolytes. They can also be very helpful when you’re ill. They can also be hot and help to relieve congestion.

They are full of flavor, rich in nutrients and easy to digest ( 6Trusted source).

Bone broths contain high levels of collagen and amino acids (building blocks for protein), which may aid in faster recovery. However, research remains limited.

When buying premade broths at the grocery store, ensure that you are choosing low sodium or no salt-added broths.

3. Garlic

Garlic has many health benefits, and it’s been used in herbal medicine since ancient times.

It has been proven to have antibacterial and antiviral properties in animal and test tube studies ( 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

A study of 146 participants found that those who took a supplement containing garlic had 70% less sick days than those who received a placebo. The authors cautioned that there is not enough evidence to conclude that garlic prevents illness.

Aged garlic extract supplements can also increase immunity and reduce the severity of flu symptoms ( 10Trusted source).

When you have the flu, garlic can be added to your food to enhance flavor and combat symptoms like cold and flu.

4. Vegetable juice

Vegetables are rich in antioxidants that can boost immunity. Drinking vegetable juice can help speed up recovery from flu-like symptoms. Flu symptoms can cause you to lose taste in your food and make it difficult to eat solid foods. You can get a glass of vegetable juice. Vegetables such as carrots and kale are well-known for their antiviral properties.

5. Coconut water

Coconut water can be a great beverage to have when you are sick. It is rich in electrolytes that must be replenished when you are vomiting, sweating or having diarrhea ( 11Trusted source).

You will also find a small amount of natural sugar in the fruit, which can be used as an energy source for your body ( 11Trusted Source).

One study showed that it caused more bloating then other electrolytes beverages. If you have never tried it, it might be a good idea not to rush ( 12Trusted source ).

6. Turmeric

Turmeric milk is a home remedy for nearly every illness in India. It’s a powerful home remedy for sore throats and coughs. Curcumin is a key ingredient in Turmeric. Curcumin, which gives turmeric a yellow color and has anti-inflammatory properties, is what gives it its yellow colour. Turmeric increases your immune system and activates the immune response against infection. For fast relief, add some black pepper to the turmeric.

7. Lemon

Vitamin C and antioxidants are abundant in lemon. Lemon boosts immunity, and it is essential for DNA repair as well as serotonin production. Warm water or tea with freshly squeezed lemon can soothe your cough and sore throat. Oranges can also be helpful for flu symptoms. It is high in vitamin C, which helps you recover faster.

8. Hot tea

Tea has been a popular remedy for many symptoms of the flu and colds.

Hot tea is a natural decongestant, just like chicken soup. To relieve congestion, the tea should be hot but not too hot that it further irritates the throat.

Some teas contain caffeine but the tea does not appear to cause dehydration or increase water loss ( 13Trusted Source).

Drinking tea throughout the day is an excellent way to keep hydrated and relieve congestion.

Polyphenols are also found in tea. These natural substances in tea may offer a variety of health benefits including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, as well as potential anticancer effects (14TrustedSource, 15TrustedSource, 16TrustedSource, 17TrustedSource).

9. Honey

Honey is antibacterial and can be used to treat cuts and burns. 18Trusted source, 19Trusted source. 20Trusted source. 21Trustedsource.

Honey can also boost the immune system. People use honey from local honey farms to treat seasonal allergies. However, there is currently no evidence to support honey use ( 21Trusted source).

Honey may also be used to treat children’s coughs. It should not be given to children younger than 12 months due to the possibility of botulism-causing bacteria.

10. Ginger

Ginger is an effective home remedy for coughs and anti-inflammatory. Hot ginger tea can help with a sore throat and annoying cough. Certain compounds in ginger can dilate blood vessels and relax smooth muscles, opening the airways. For cough relief, you can either slice fresh ginger or use freshly grated ginger to make hot tea.

11. Vegetables and fruits rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that boostTrusted Source your immune systems, which is particularly important when you are sick.

Vitamin C is more easily absorbed by the body when it comes to nutrients such as vitamin C. Vitamin C-rich foods include:

  • Red or green pepper
  • Oranges and orange juice
  • grapefruit juice
  • kiwi
  • Broccoli

You can also take vitamin C supplements.

12. Almonds

Almonds can be used to treat a cold or a cough by having both therapeutic and preventive properties. Polyphenols are a disease-fighting substance found in almond skin. It helps to increase white blood cell sensitivity and aids them in fighting off viruses quickly and effectively. Researchers found that the immunity boost persists even after the almonds are eaten. The immune system is not affected by almonds that aren’t soaked in skin.

Non-food remedies for cough and cold

TipsWhat it does
Make sure to clean your noseYou can remove any phlegm buildup in your nasal passages by gently blowing your nose with a cloth or using a saltwater rinse.
GargleWarm gargles can be used to clear your throat. This helps reduce mucus and provides some relief. Warm beverages can also help ease throat pain.
DietTo boost your overall health, and to support your immune system, follow the dietary suggestions above. This will give you the power to return to a healthier state faster.
SteamSteam inhalation, or simply a steamy shower, can help you relax, open your nasal passages, and feel better.

A cold or a common cough can be frightening. However, a healthy diet can help you. Healthy food can boost your immune system and help you stay healthy.


Q1. Is coughing contagious

Ans: No. Although coughing is not contagious with common colds and flu, whooping and pertussis, also known as pertussis, is very contagious and only affects humans. It is caused in part by the bacteria bordetella Pertussis. The disease spreads by coughing, sneezing, and being close to others who share space for a prolonged period. A person infected with the bacteria bordetella pertussis is contagious for approximately two weeks. Modern medicine and antibiotics have made it possible to reduce this time.

Q2. What is the best way to keep my body healthy during a cold or cough?

Ans To speed up recovery and protect your loved ones from infection, it is important to follow the following hygiene tips:

  • When you cough or sneeze, cover your nose and mouth using a tissue. A tissue is the best option, as it can be easily thrown away.
  • Always make sure to dispose of tissues in the trash.
  • Wash your hands with soap before touching food or other household objects.

Q3. Are there any foods that could worsen my cold and cough?

Ans: Yes. Avoid certain foods that could worsen your cold and cough. These foods are:

  • Sugar: Sugar consumption should be avoided during cold and cough.
  • Alcohol. While some may recommend that you have a little bit of gin and nic for a cold or cough, alcohol intake suppresses white blood cell activity and causes bronchial inflammation and bronchial swelling. You will also be dehydrated from alcohol, when you should be drinking more fluids.
  • Caffeinated Drinks Tea, coffee and other caffeinated beverages act as diuretics to increase water and salt expulsion from the body. This can make you feel dehydrated.
  • Spicy food – While spicy foods may temporarily relieve mucus, but will slow down your recovery in the long term, the capsaicin in chilies can increase the production of phlegm.
  • Milk – Drinking milk can increase your mucus thickness and cause more phlegm. Drinking milk during cold and cough is not a good idea.

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