14 Weight Loss Hacks That Actually Work!

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Written By Relationship Expert

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It is never easy to make a new start. These new beginnings can be frightening, overwhelming, and full of uncertainty. It’s worth the effort to achieve something you have always wanted, whether it’s losing weight or living an active lifestyle.

You’ve probably known me for a while that I believe eating healthy doesn’t need to be difficult. I don’t think you should hate your food to be healthy. It doesn’t make sense and it won’t work long-term.

This post contains my top weight loss tips and healthy eating techniques. I hope you find them useful and that you can achieve your weight loss and healthy eating goals without sacrificing delicious foods and snacks. It’s easy to implement healthy food hacks into your daily life. It’s easy as pie!


You will stay hydrated and healthier if you drink more water. You should aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces every day. If I am 140 pounds, that means I should drink 70 ounces of water each day. I also need to exercise. If you drink between 6 and 7 glasses of water per day, that’s approximately 60 to 70 ounces. Then adjust for your weight.

Water is not only beneficial for your hydration, but it can also help you lose weight. Think about it: water contains zero calories. ZERO. It is possible to drink as much as you like without counting calories.

You can also eat less by drinking water. Before you eat, drink a glass water. Drinking water will fill you up and make you feel fuller. Did you also know that your body can trick you into believing you are hungry, when in fact you’re thirsty and dehydrated. This means that your body will stop making you feel hungry if you drink enough water.

Drinking water, instead of sugary drinks, or sugar-free beverages, will help you to eat less sugar every day.

You can start drinking water by drinking a glass of water every time you drink water. Try adding fresh fruits, lemon juice, mint or other natural flavors to your water.

2. Burn calories doing every day activities

NEAT, which stands for nonexercise-activity thermogenesis, is a simple concept that can help you lose weight. It is the energy you use while doing everyday activities such as walking, standing, and fidgeting. According to Mayo Clinic Proceedings, this type of movement can help you burn hundreds more calories per day than your baseline.

You can still exercise or fidget, but this doesn’t mean that you should. It doesn mean it is possible to increase movement while you are at work, on TV, or simply using your thumbs to control a smart device.

You can choose to use a standing desk or the stairs next to the elevator, or paint your bedroom and save 200 calories an hour.


Weight loss strategies aren’t just about calories and food. They also focus on rest. Both sleep and rest are equally important to how your body functions, and what your body needs. Sleeping well will give you more energy throughout the day, so your body needs less sugar and empty carbs. Did you ever notice how sweet and rich you feel when you are tired? Yup.

How can you improve your sleep habits? These are some quick tips to help you improve your sleeping habits.

  • Turn off all electronics and TVs at least one hour before you go to bed.
  • Create a sleep schedule
  • To get a good night’s sleep, you can try a relaxing routine: take a bath, read, meditate, or do yoga before going to bed.
  • Stop drinking caffeine after 6 p.m. (This was a huge one for me).
  • Start an exercise program.

Your body will feel happier if you get enough sleep, which makes it easier to stay healthy.

4. Refrain from Distractions at Dinnertime

Being present and aware of what you are eating can help you feel satisfied and avoid overeating.

“I believe it’s important for everyone to pay attention and pay attention to what they eat,” states Sarah Pflugradt RDN, author You Get one Body. “In America, we are fast-paced and distracted eaters. Sometimes all that is necessary to slow down and take the time to think about what we are eating.

Ask yourself why this particular food is being served to you every time you eat. Pflugradt says, “Is it good or bad for your bones? Or does it make your body feel good?” There are good reasons to eat.

This idea is supported by science. The January 2015 issue Psychology published a review of 19 studies that found 13 studies linking mindfulness-based eating strategies with significant weight loss. Although they were unable to determine how mindfulness was linked to weight loss, the review authors stated that further research is needed. The takeaway? It is worth paying more attention to what you eat at mealtimes.

5. Red Meat: Swap Mushrooms with Red Meat

Do you want to lose 7 pounds? The simplest way to lose weight is to eat less calories than your body requires. However, consuming fewer calories is not the best way to lose weight long-term.

It is possible to substitute mushrooms for red meat, which can be both delicious and very effective in cutting calories. A December 2013 Appetite study involving 73 adults with obesity shows that this could result in a decrease in calories, body fat, and waist circumference.

The average loss of weight for those who followed a mushroom diet was seven pounds. They maintained it for the whole year that they were being monitored. For a delicious and succulent mushroom “steak”, heat up the grill.


Despite the fact that we eat less processed food, our portions are growing in size. Takeout and restaurant portions are too large. One “portion” can easily surpass your daily calorie requirements for the entire day in many cases. It’s crucial to be mindful of portion control. Don’t let the size of your meal or packaging dictate how much you eat.

When I refer to portion control, it doesn’t mean that you should eat only one vegetable or one pea for dinner. I mean that your body needs what it needs to function properly and remain healthy. Your body will store more fat if you eat more than you need.

How can you control your portion size? Here are some tips to help you portion your food.

  • Balanced meals are important – eat lots of vegetables, lean protein, and healthy carbs.
  • Choose whole grains and complex carbs over simple carbs.
  • To get an accurate measurement of your food, use a kitchen scale.
  • If you’re dining out, bring home any leftovers. ).

Understanding what you eat will help you to understand your body’s needs. To get a baseline of what foods you eat and how many calories each has, it might be useful to keep track of your meals over a week. Pay attention to macros (fats, carbs, and proteins). Once you know what foods are in each food, you will be better equipped to manage portion control. You can control how much you eat by making your own food.

To help you plan your meals, meal prep containers are also useful. If you use the right amounts in the meal prep container, you don’t have to worry about what you should eat while you enjoy your meal.

7. For dinner, eat breakfast

Pflugradt says, “One tip to consider is restructuring your daily meal plans.” Instead of making dinner the most expensive meal, make it a lighter breakfast. You can keep lunch the same, but eat a lighter meal for dinner.

Although there isn’t much research available on this strategy, a December 2013 study of 93 people published in showed that obese women who ate 700 calories for breakfast and 200 for dinner felt fuller and less hungry than those who ate a 200-calorie meal.

In Nutrition Bulletin, June 2018, a paper noted that timing of calorie intake has a significant impact on weight loss, calorie consumption, and metabolism. The authors stated that growing evidence supports the old adage “Breakfast as a King and Dinner as a Pauper” and that meal timing appears to have an impact on energy balance and bodyweight.

The evidence is growing. A small study of 16 people published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in February 2020 found that those who eat big breakfasts may burn twice as much calories than those who eat larger meals. Researchers also found that a low-calorie breakfast could increase appetite for sweets, leading to weight gain and junk food cravings . The researchers concluded that eating a larger breakfast and a smaller dinner was a good way to lose weight and prevent metabolic diseases.

8. MEAL PLAN Ahead

Planning is my favorite weight loss hack. Planning is the key to a healthy lifestyle and a lot of control over your destiny. It’s said that “Failing to plan means planning to fail”. This means that you either leave it up to fate and circumstance to find healthy food, or you make the best of what you have.

It is difficult for me to eat healthy if I don’t have an organized plan or have healthy alternatives. It is much easier to eat healthy when you have prepared meals in your fridge. You can also find helpful tips for eating healthy in restaurants here.

Planning meals eliminates most temptations. Meal planning allows you to choose the best ingredients and you don’t have to open the fridge to discover you have nothing to eat. To get started, check out my meal preparation ideas.

Planning is also helpful in avoiding poor food choices. Are you sure which restaurant you are going to? You can check the online menu before you go to make sure you have all options. It’s hard to think clearly when you are hungry or rushed.

9. Chewing gum can help you get rid of the munchies

Chewing gum can be a great way to lose weight and stop snacking.

Are you looking for a snack to satiate your afternoon hunger? If you plan well, between-meal snacking can be beneficial for controlling your weight. If it isn’t managed, it can lead to excessive calorie intake.

Chew gum is a fun and effective way to curb carb cravings. An Behavior study that looked at women with and without obesity was published in November 2015. It found that chewing gum after eating (15 minutes per hour for three hours) can increase satiety and reduce snacking during the afternoon.

You don’t want to eat too many sweet or salty munchie snacks, such as pretzels and cookies. Instead, unwrap a few gum sticks.


Although it may seem obvious, having healthy snacks and food close at hand is a great way to stay nourished. You’re more likely to eat it if it’s nearby when you are hungry. Because people don’t plan, unhealthy convenience foods are so popular. You’ll be more successful if you have more nutritious and healthy foods available that are easy to find. This assumes that you are replacing unhealthy, pre-packed convenience foods by healthier alternatives.

Grab-and-Go bags for quick grab-and-go with low-sugar and minimally processed snacks such as…

  • nuts;
  • Dried fruits
  • fresh fruits;
  • Beef jerky (low sodium)
  • Dark chocolate
  • High protein foods like cottage cheese, hard-boiled egg, and sustainable canned tuna (packed with water) are all available.
  • Full-fat greek yogurt

Grab and go lunch menu items such as wraps and mason-jar salads, and bring them to work. Prep your breakfast in advance to save time.

11. Take two cups of water 30 minutes before you eat.

Although it is not a miracle cure, drinking a 16-ounce glass plain water 30 minutes prior to most or all your meals can help you lose 3 lbs over the next three-months.

A small study of 84 adults published in the Obesity journal in August 2015 found that people who drank water prior to meals lost more weight than those who did not. Over the 12-week period, participants who preloaded all three meals on a daily basis lost an average nine pounds.

Researchers hypothesized that this could be because water volume may make you feel fuller. It’s easy to lose weight.

Pro tip: Use fresh mint and citrus slices to make plain water more appealing.


It’s probably a smart idea to use technology for healthy food hacks, since we spend so much time on our phones and computers. Look for apps that will help you track your meals, calories, and the nutritional profile of your meals. It will be much easier to track what you eat in a given day. If apps are not your thing, you can keep a food diary.

Although I don’t recommend calorie counting as a sustainable part to a healthy lifestyle, it can become tedious and not as focused on how your body behaves and feels. However, apps can help you establish a baseline for what you eat and how good the food is. Apps can help us identify the foods that make us happy or sad and provide a guideline for how to change our eating habits. There are many choices, but my favorite is MyFitnessPal.

An app can also be used to monitor how much water you drink each day. Remember our first hack? ?

13. Half of your plate can be filled with healthy vegetables

The most effective and creative way to lose weight is filling half of your plate with fruits or vegetables, according to the USDA’s research-based MyPlate guidelines.

You don’t want your veggies to be laden with fat or smothered in heavy cream. Pflugradt says, “I like to encourage clients to choose whole-food options.” “The less processed an item is, the better for you.”

Pflugradt advises clients to eat half a plate of vegetables and one quarter of protein, as well as a quarter of a plate of grains. She also recommends that they eat fruit multiple times per day. Pre-portioned plates are available from many companies to make it easier. You can pick one to try this “nondiet” trick for yourself.


Intermittent fasting is a great way to get weight loss started. Fasting is a way to switch between eating times and eating now. Fasting doesn’t mean that you stop eating your daily caloric intake. It just means that you can control when you eat. If you feel hungry throughout the day, this can help you eat more meals during the day.

It can take some time to adjust, especially if your daily meals consist of several large meals. It can help you to control your caloric intake and not eat at all. Intermittent fasting may not be right for everyone. You will need to test it out to find the best fit. You can typically fast for 6-12 hours during the day, or even alternate days (one day on, another day).

Intermittent fasting is a great way to lose weight

  • Lowering insulin levels will make it easier to burn stored fat.
  • The increase in human growth hormone (HGH), which helps to burn fat and build muscle.
  • Blood sugar, inflammation, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels can be reduced
  • This tool helps you to set goals and create an easting plan.

Intermittent fasting may not be for everyone. This is especially true for women who are pregnant, nursing, or trying to conceive.

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