Best Foods for Healthy Skin in 2023

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Written By Relationship Expert

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Cosmetics don’t need to be expensive when you have glowing skin with food. Although cosmetics are touted to have the best skin, they only offer a superficial fix. How to Get Glowing Skin? Proper diet is the best way to get glowing skin, regardless of whether you are looking for treatment for acne or premature ageing.

What is Glowing Skin?

Everybody has their own definition of glowing skin. Some people define glowing skin as the glow while others consider it to be texture. Although there is no definitive definition of glowing skin, the following are some characteristics:

  • It has a smooth texture, with some blemishes
  • You should be well hydrated and not too oily or too dry.
  • Do not get too excited
  • Even tones

Healthy skin doesn’t necessarily mean that you have no pores, birthmarks or wrinkles. You can still have radiant skin with these features.

Food for glowing skin

Skin is affected by what you eat and not eat. The right food can nourish, repair and treat skin conditions, as well as make it healthier from the inside. The following nutrients are important to consider when looking after your skin’s health:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Collagen
  • Omega-3 fatty acids

Here’s a list of 20 best foods for glowing skin.

1. Tomatoes

They contain lycopene which increases collagen production and fights off free radicals . They protect skin from sun damage and prevent wrinkles.

2. Carrots

They are high in vitamin A and beta-carotene. Vitamin A in carrots lowers the chance of skin cancer. It is also suitable for improving eyesight. Vitamin A can help protect skin from sun damage and repair collagen. Antioxidants are also present to stop the excessive production of cells in the outer layer. Combining excess sebum with these cells can block pores. It reduces the likelihood of breakouts.

3. Safflower Oil

It is an great source of vitamin E that reduces collagen damage and treats UV rays-related skin damage. Omega 3 is found in the oil. It moisturizes the skin and prevents dry, flaky and itchy skin . It can also be used to treat skin conditions like eczema.

4. Avocados

Avocados are high in healthy fats. These healthy fats have many benefits for your body, including your skin’s health ( 7Trusted source).

These fats are essential for keeping skin flexible and moisturized.

A study of over 700 women showed that having a higher intake of total fat, specifically those found in avocados, was associated with more soft and springy skin ( 8Trusted Source).

Preliminary evidence suggests that avocados may contain compounds that protect your skin against sun damage. UV damage can lead to wrinkles and other signs that are indicative of aging ( 8Trusted Source9Trusted Source).

Also, avocados are a good source of vitamin E . This is an important antioxidant that protects your skin from oxidative damages. The majority of Americans don’t consume enough vitamin E in their diets.

It is interesting to note that vitamin E appears to be more efficient when it is combined with vitamin C ( 5Trusted Source).

Vitamin C is essential for healthy skin. Vitamin C is essential for healthy skin. It helps create collagen, the main structural protein that keeps skin strong and healthy ( 10Trusted Source).

Vitamin C deficiencies are rare nowadays, but the most common symptoms are dry, rough and scaly skin, which tends to bruise easily.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects your skin against oxidative damage from the sun and the environment. This can cause signs of aging ( 10Trusted Source).

One 100g serving (or about half an avocado) provides 14% of Vitamin E’s Daily Value (DV), and 11% for Vitamin C ( 11Trusted Source).


Avocados are rich in healthy fats and vitamins E and C that are essential for healthy skin. Avocados also contain compounds that can protect your skin against sun damage.

5. Walnuts

Walnuts are a great food for healthy skin.

They are a good source for essential fatty acids which your body can’t make.

They are actually higher in omega-3 and 6 fatty acids than other nuts ( 12Trusted source13Trusted source).

Too much omega-6 oils can cause inflammation and skin conditions like psoriasis.

Omega-3 fats, on the other hand, reduce inflammation in your body — even in your skin ( 13Trusted Source).

Although omega-6 fatty acid is abundant in Western diets, there are few sources of omega-3.

Walnuts have a high content of these fatty acid and may be able to reduce the potential inflammatory response from excessive omega-6.

Walnuts also contain nutrients your skin needs to stay healthy and function properly.

A single ounce (28g) of walnuts has 8% of the daily value for zinc.

Zinc is vital for skin’s ability to act as a barrier. Zinc is also essential for wound healing, fighting bacteria, and fighting inflammation ( 14Trusted Source).

Walnuts contain small amounts of selenium and vitamin E, as well as 4-5 grams of protein per ounce (28g) ( 12Trusted source).


Walnuts provide a great source of essential fats and vitamin E as well as selenium, zinc, vitamin E, and protein. These are all nutrients that your skin needs to stay healthy.

6. Sunflower seeds

seeds and nuts are both good sources of skin-boosting nutrients.

Sunflower seeds make a great example.

A single ounce (28g) of sunflower seeds contains 49% of the daily value for vitamin E, 41% for the daily value for selenium and 5.5g of protein ( 15Trusted source).


Sunflower seeds are a great source of nutrients including vitamin E which is an important antioxidant.

7. Sweet potatoes

Beta carotene can be found in plants.

It can be used as provitamin B, which is a form of vitamin A.

Beta carotene can be found in oranges and other vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and others ( 5Trusted source16Trusted source).

Sweet potatoes can be an excellent source of vitamin A. One half-cup (100-grams) of baked sweet potatoes contains enough beta carotene for six times the daily value (17Trusted Source).

Carotenoids such as beta carotene, help maintain healthy skin by acting naturally as sunblock.

This antioxidant is absorbed into the skin by eating. It helps protect skin cells from damage caused by sun exposure. This antioxidant may prevent sunburn, cell death and dry, wrinkled skin.

High levels of beta carotene can also give your skin a warmer, oranger color ( 5Trusted source).


Sweet potatoes are a great source of beta carotene which may act as a natural sunscreen and protect your skin against sun damage.

8. Bell peppers in red or yellow

Bell peppers, like sweet potatoes, are a great source of beta carotene which your body converts to vitamin A.

One cup (149g) of chopped red peppers contains 156% of the daily value for vitamin A ( 18Trusted Source).

They are also one of the most reliable sources of Vitamin C. This vitamin is essential for the creation of the protein colla which helps keep skin strong and healthy.

One cup (149g) of bell pepper contains 211% of the daily value of vitamin C ( 18Trusted source).

Large observational studies involving women showed that vitamin C intake is linked to lower wrinkles and dry skin as we age ( 19Trusted source).


The high levels of vitamin C and beta carotene found in bell peppers are both important antioxidants for your skin. Vitamin C is required to make collagen, which is the structural protein that keeps skin healthy.

9. Broccoli

Broccoli contains many vitamins and minerals that are important for skin health.

It also contains lutein which is a carotenoid similar to beta carotene. Lutein protects your skin against oxidative damage that can lead to dry skin and wrinkles.

Broccoli florets also contain a special compound called Sulforaphane which has many potential benefits. It could even be anti-cancer, especially for certain types of skin cancers ( 21Trusted source22Trusted source).

Also, sulforaphane can be used to protect against sunburn. It acts in two ways. It neutralizes harmful free radicals and switches on other protective systems in your system ( 22Trusted source23Trusted source).

Laboratory tests showed that sulforaphane protected skin for up to 48 hours and reduced the UV damage by as much at 29%.

Evidence suggests that sulforaphane may also be able to maintain collagen levels in your skin ( 23Trusted Source).


Broccoli is rich in vitamins, minerals and carotenoids, which are essential for skin health. Broccoli also contains sulforaphane which can help protect your skin from sunburn and prevent skin cancer.

10. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and have all the major carotenoids including lycopene.

The sun’s ultraviolet rays can cause skin damage, such as that caused by beta carotene, and lutein. They can also prevent wrinkles ( 24Trusted source25Trusted source and 26Trusted source).

Tomatoes are a great food to maintain healthy skin because they are high in carotenoids.

You might pair carotenoid-rich foods such as tomatoes with fats like cheese or oil. Your absorption of carotenoids is increased by fat ( 27Trusted source).


Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C, as well as all the major carotenoids (especially lycopene). These carotenoids can protect your skin from sunburn and prevent wrinkles.

11. Soy

Soy has isoflavones. These are plant compounds that mimic estrogen or block it in your body.

The benefits of isoflavones can be felt in many parts of the body, including your skin.

A small study of middle-aged women showed that soy isoflavones daily for 8-12 weeks decreased fine wrinkles and increased skin elasticity ( 28Trusted source).

Soy can also be beneficial for postmenopausal women ( 29Trusted source).

These isoflavones protect your cells from damage and your skin from UV radiation. This may help reduce some skin cancers ( 30, 31TrustedSource32TrustedSource).


Isoflavones found in soy have been shown to reduce wrinkles, collagen, skin elasticity and dryness. They also protect your skin against UV damage.

12. Dark chocolate

One more reason you should eat chocolate? It’s the amazing effects that cocoa has on your skin.

Participants in one study noticed thicker skin after 6-12 weeks of daily consumption of cocoa powder rich in antioxidants.

Their skin was also less dry and scaly and more sensitive to sunburn ( 33Trusted source).

Another study showed that 20g of high-antioxidant dark cocoa per day can increase your skin’s ability to resist more UV radiation than low-antioxidant chocolate ( 34Trusted Source).

Many other studies have shown similar results, such as a reduction in wrinkle appearance. Keep in mind, however, that at least one study did not find significant effects ( 34Trusted source35Trusted source and 36Trusted sources), 37Trusted source.

To maximize the benefits of dark chocolate , choose at least 70% cocoa. This will ensure that you keep the added sugar to a minimum.


Cocoa is rich in antioxidants, which may help protect your skin from sunburn. These antioxidants can also improve skin texture, skin thickness, blood flow, hydration, and skin texture.

13. Green tea

Green tea can help protect your skin against aging and damage.

Catechins are powerful compounds found in green Tea. They work in a variety of ways to improve your skin’s health.

Like several other antioxidant-containing foods, green tea can help protect your skin against sun damage (38Trusted Source39Trusted Source40Trusted Source).

A 12-week study that involved 60 women showed that green tea could reduce sunburn by as much as 25%.

The skin’s moisture, roughness and thickness can also be improved by green tea ( 41Trusted source).

Green tea is great for skin health, but you might want to stop drinking milk. There’s evidence that green tea’s antioxidants could be reduced by milk (42Trusted Source).


Green tea’s catechins are powerful antioxidants. They can protect your skin from sun damage, reduce redness, and improve your skin’s hydration, thickness, and elasticity.

14. Red grapes

Red grapes are known for their high levels of resveratrol. This compound is found in red grape skins.

Resveratrol has a variety of health benefits. One of these is the ability to reduce the effects of aging.

It may also slow down the production of harmful freeradicals that damage skin cells and cause signs such as aging ( 7Trusted source43Trusted source).

Red wine also contains this beneficial compound. There is not enough evidence to show that the resveratrol found in a glass red wine has any effect on your skin.

Red wine is an alcoholic beverage so there are potential side effects from excessive consumption.

Red wine is not recommended for anyone who wants to increase their health. You should instead increase your consumption of red grapes, berries and other fruits.


Red grape antioxidant Resveratrol may slow down your skin’s aging by reducing harmful free radicals that can damage your skin.

15. Fatty Fishes

Fish oil from tuna, salmon, and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatsStudies show that it reduces inflammation while promotes healthy, glowing skin. Salmon also has DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol), protects the integrity of cells, and strengthens the cell membrane, preventing premature ageing. It reduces skin inflammation and makes skin firmer.

16. Yellow Bell Pepper

Vitamin C increases collagen production while protects skin from free radicals. It is also rich in vitamin E. According to a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (around 4mg), a single bite of yellow bell pepper for three years can reduce wrinkles by 11%

17. Broccoli

It’s rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, zinc, and carotenoids that help make your skin glow. It protects skin from sunburn, lowers the risk of developing skin cancer. Even other cruciferous veggies are good for your skin.

18. Kale

It’s rich in essential vitamins A, C, and E. This vitamin K-rich product also speeds up healing . It reduces skin oxidative stress and has anti-aging skin benefits.

19. Oysters

They are rich in minerals such as Zinc which aids in cell repair and cell function. It allows enzymes to function, and makes a protein that repairs and regenerates cells. It protects cells against free radical damage while promotes collagen formation. It can also remove bacteria from the skin, which may lead to acne breakouts.

20. Eggs

Biotin is a beauty vitamin. It stimulates hair growth and protects skin against dryness, pimples, rashes, and acne. They contain the amino acid lysine, and proline which form collagen. The egg yellow is rich in essential minerals and vitamins that support healthy cell functioning. Eggs are rich in vitamin D which aids with skin irritation and vitamin K which helps with scarring, dark spots and stretch marks .

21. Chia Seeds

They are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and iron and can make your skin glow. Omega-3 is an essential ingredient for skin health.

22. Sweet Potatoes

study shows that you can achieve a great complexion by eating red and orange vegetables daily. Carotenoids are responsible for this. A medium sweet potato can give you half of your daily recommended intake of carotenoids, which will make your skin glow.

23. Spinach

Vitamin A and vitamin C are abundant in this leafy vegetable. According to a study, it can help prevent skin cancers. Folate, an essential vitamin B, is able to maintain and repair DNA, preventing the growth of cancer cells. A cup of spinach can supply 65% of your daily folate requirements.

24. Turmeric

Curcumin antioxidants are a rich source of turmeric from India. This super ingredient can be applied directly to the skin or eaten as a snack. It’s most effective at repairing free radical damage. It can also reduce darkening, scarring, and sun damage.

25. Coconut Water

Hydrating coconut water replenishes the skin with electrolytes. They make skin soft and supple by hydrating it.

26. Flax Seeds

These super seeds are rich in omega-3 and help improve the skin’s hydration .

27. Dark Chocolate

study found that cocoa antioxidants can help prevent premature skin aging. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that reduce skin roughness and provide protection.

28. Sunflower seeds

They are a great source of vitamin E as well as antioxidants. The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that 28 grams of sunflower seeds per day can provide 49% of your daily Vitamin E intake, 5.5 grams of protein, and 14% of your daily selenium requirement. These are all essential for healthy, glowing skin.

For skin, fruits are good

Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, fibres and other essential nutrients that support skin health. Here’s a list of fruits that are good for your skin health.

1. Avocados

It is a great skin moisturizer. Studies show that healthy fat reduces the risk of premature aging and skin inflammation. Skin becomes soft and supple due to the hydration that fruits provide. They protect skin from sun damage. They are rich in protein, and they help to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

2. Blueberries

Anthocyanin is rich in antioxidants and plant compounds. It protects the skin from damage. They can also increase collagen fibre production and prevent skin ageing.

3. Oranges

This fruit is well-known for its high vitamin C content. It can help to heal, reduce skin tan, moisturize the skin, and give it an even healthier glow.

4. Strawberries

It is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and other compounds that increase collagen production. It increases skin elasticity and protects against sun damage.

5. Kiwi

It is high in vitamin E and vitamin A, which brightens the skin. It also stimulates the skin’s repair and formation of new skin regenerative cell . It provides great hydration for the skin.

6. Mango

They are high in vitamin A and carotenoids, which can improve cell function and skin health. They also improve the skin’s texture and elasticity .

7. Papaya

The fruit contains a variety of enzymes that can help with various skin conditions. Papain is an enzyme that helps to remove blemishes and prevent skin problems.

8. Pomegranate

Its seeds are high in anthocyanin antioxidants which increase collagen formation. It enhances skin texture and tone, making it radiant.

9. Grapefruit

It contains vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that protects cells from damage and aids in the formation of collagen.

10. Banana

It prevents premature ageing such as wrinkles, dark circles, and fine lines. It also contains fibres that improve skin health and promote healthy digestion.

The Diet Plan for Glowing Skin

Early morning(6:00 a.m.)1 cup of lukewarm water + half a lime juice + 4 overnight soaked almondsOr1 cup water + Aloe Vera juice + 4 overnight soaked almonds
Breakfast(6:45-7:00 a.m.)1 wheat bread + 1 cup ricotta cheese/boiled egg+ 1 cup papaya/pomegranate/any seasonal fruitsor1 cup rolled oatmeal with milk and fresh fruit + 1 cup green tea
Mid-morning(9:30-10:00 a.m.)1 cucumber/carrot, sliced and served with yogurt/hummusor1 cup fresh-pressed fruit/vegetable juice unstrained / coconut water
Lunch(12:30 – 1:00 p.m.)Lettuce wraps with veggies and chicken/mushroom/tofu + 1 cup buttermilk or Blanched vegetables + grilled fish/chicken/lunch soup + 1 cup brown rice/quinoa
Snack(3:30 – 4:00 p.m.)1 cup green tea + 2 to 3 walnutsor1 cup fresh-pressed juice of fruit/vegetable (unstrained).
Dinner(7:00-7:30 p.m.)Vegetable/chicken stew + 1 loaf whole-wheat bread + 1 litre raita or Mixed vegetable curry + 2 flat whole wheat breads + 1 cup of raita
Time for bed(10:00 p.m.)1 cup warm milk/water + a pinch turmeric


Skin health can be improved by paying attention to how and what you eat. You need to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary for healthy skin. For glowing skin, try the foods . In a month you will notice a significant improvement in your skin’s health. Dry, dull, or damaged skin may be due to underlying health conditions. Skincare can be more difficult due to medical conditions, hormonal imbalances, stress, or other health issues. Talk to a doctor and a dietician for advice.

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