Home remedies for itching in private parts female

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Itching, burning, and unpleasant odours are all possible symptoms of a problem in your vagina. Vaginal itching (also known as Vulvar pruritus) is common and can be caused by many things. One in five women suffers from vaginal infection.
Different types of infections can affect different women. One woman may experience itchiness around her vagina, while another may feel it inside their vagina. Let’s talk in detail about the different types of vaginal infection.

Itching in the vaginal area is a sign of many body conditions. It could be caused by chemical irritants or vaginal dryness. It can be embarrassing for women, especially if the itching is severe or incontinental in public.

How can you stop itching? Is there a home remedy for itching in the private areas? Yes. These remedies can stop or calm down the itching.

1. Coconut Oil

An study revealed that coconut oil kills Candida albicans. It is responsible for yeast infections in the vagina . It is not known whether it is effective in females.

Coconut oil has antibacterial properties that are effective against yeast infections. But, make sure to use only fresh coconut oil. You should ensure that it does not contain any chemicals.

  • Apply coconut oil directly to your vagina.
  • This remedy can leave a mark on your underwear so make sure you have a pad or a panty liner.

2. Mixture of honey and yogurt

Yoghurt that is sugar-free is one of the best home remedies for itching due to infection. Yoghurt has antibacterial and antifungal properties which help fight yeast infections. Combine two to three drops honey with the fresh yogurt. The mixture should be applied to the vaginas.

Because honey has anti-inflammatory properties, it provides a soothing impact. It reduces the sensation of burning caused by vaginal itching. But, this remedy is not supported by evidence.

3. Tea Tree Oil Vaginal Wash


1 cup of chamomile tea (cooled).

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

2 tbsp castile shampoo

1 teaspoon oil of oregano

5 drops tea-tree oil


Mix all ingredients together to make a homogenous mixture.

It can be used in a spray or pump bottle.

Apply the wet washcloth to the affected area.

Use a lather to clean it and then rinse it off.

How it Works:

ACV’s strong anti-microbial properties are essential against Candida. They can be used to treat and heal Vaginal infections in a matter of minutes. Tea tree oil and chamomile tea reduce the itching and inflammation of inflamed skin. However, oil of oregano is rich with anti-fungal and phenolic compounds to prevent the infection spreading to other parts.

4. Rose Water-Witch Hazel Vaginal Shampoo


1/3 cup rosewater

1/4 cup witch hazel

1 tbsp rosemary oil

6 drops lavender essential oil

1 cup distilled water


Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.

It can be poured in a spray bottle.

Use it to clean your intimate areas.

After use, wash with warm water.

How it Works:

Rose water is rich in antioxidants that can be used to treat various skin conditions, including irritations and vaginal infections. Lavender oil has a soothing effect on the area. Witch hazel tightens the superficial cells, heals hemorhoids, and reduces postpartum swelling. Rosemary oil improves blood circulation and prevents bacterial infections.

5. Rose Water-Witch Hazel Vaginal Shampoo


1/3 cup rosewater

1/4 cup witch hazel

1 tbsp rosemary oil

6 drops lavender essential oil

1 cup distilled water


Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.

It can be poured in a spray bottle.

Use it to clean your intimate areas.

After use, wash with warm water.

How it Works:

Rose water is rich in antioxidants that can be used to treat various skin conditions, including irritations and vaginal infections. Lavender oil has a soothing effect on the area. Witch hazel tightens the superficial cells, heals hemorhoids, and reduces postpartum swelling. Rosemary oil improves blood circulation and prevents bacterial infections.

6. Maintain good hygiene

Vaginal hygiene is a natural process that allows the vagina to cleanse itself. Itching in the vagina can be prevented and soothed by practicing vaginal hygiene. Simple washing can sometimes be all that is needed to stop the itching.

Wash the vulva or the outer private area with lukewarm water. Avoid using intimate cleansers, scented soaps, or gels. They may cause allergic reactions by their chemical content.

7. Baking soda

Baking soda, also called sodium bicarbonate when it is dissolved in water, creates an alkaline solution. Baking soda creates an environment that is not conducive to the growth of fungus. It is a wonderful remedy for itching, burning, and swelling.

Use this method: Add 1/4 cup baking soda to your bath and let it dissolve. Allow the water to sit for approximately 15-20 minutes. Baking soda can help deal with a vaginal infection.

8. Cold Compress

A cold compress can be used if the itching is severe and uncontrollable. It offers quick relief from the burning sensation in the vaginal region.

The cold compress reduces inflammation, swelling, and pain by making the area less sensitive. For a cold compress, use a few ice cubes. How do you use it?

Wrap some ice cubes with cotton cloth in a bag. For a minute, place the icepack on your vulvae and close to the vaginal region. For quick relief, repeat the process 2-3 times per day.

How to use: Place a few ice cubes into a bag and wrap with a clean towel. For a few minutes, place the ice pack on the vagina. This can be repeated 2-3 times per day to relieve vaginal itching and burning.

9. Rinse with apple cider vinegar (ACV).

ACV can treat almost any condition. ACV is strong in antibacterial and antifungal qualities that can relieve vaginal itching. It balances the pH of the skin and vagina. It can restore balance to the vaginal flora.

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How to use: To treat an infection, you can either mix a teaspoonful of ACV and a glass of warm water or add half a cup to your bath water. Then, wash your vaginal areas with the ACV regularly.

10. Wear cotton underwear.

Cotton Underwear improves airflow and decreases moisture buildup. Vaginal itching can be caused by skin irritations or infections. Itching occurs when bacteria builds up in the vagina. Itching can occur when bacteria builds up in the vagina.

  • To keep your underwear clean and fresh, change it every day.

Get out of sweaty or wet clothes as soon as possible.

Wet clothing can lead to vaginal bacteria buildup. Make sure you change your clothes immediately after swimming or exercising, and especially your underwear. Too much bacteria can cause yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis (BV). Bacteria thrive in moist environments. You can avoid this by taking an extra set of clothes to the beach or gym.

  • Make sure you dry your vagina well before you do any type of change.

11. Incorporate probiotic foods into your diet

Healthy bacteria growth can be promoted by eating foods rich in antifungal ingredients. These bacteria live in the vagina and help to combat infections.

Probiotics are food for bacteria that increase their numbers and balance the microbiome within the gut .

These probiotic bacteria are good for self-cleaning the genital canals and curing itchy spots. Probiotic foods include kimchi and yoghurt as well as kombucha. It aids the body to fight off infections and improves your gut health.

12. Avoid using scented hygiene products.

Use fragrance-free soaps and lotions . Try a hypoallergenic, fragrance-free laundry detergent. Try these products for at least a week to see if it helps.

  • You might consider washing your vagina with a feminine cleanser such as the SweetSpot pH Balanced Female Wash, Honey Pot Sensitive Women Wash, Love Wellness pH Balancing Wash, Summer’s Eve Cleansing Cleanser.

13. Make Dietary Adjustments

Itching in the private areas can be caused by many things. Food intake can make it worse. You may experience frequent itching or vaginal infections.

  • Avoid sugars, cheese, and other dairy products.
  • Don’t drink alcohol.
  • Avoid fruit and yeast-based foods such as bread.
  • Get more vegetables.
  • Increase your intake of wheat and rice

If you are looking for dietary modifications to help with vaginal infections, it is a good idea to consult an expert.

Incorporating more vegetables and carbohydrate helps build immunity and protectfrom itchiness and burning sensation.

14. Boric Acid

Powdered boric acid is used to treat yeast infections. An study suggests that it has similar effects to fluconazole.

Fluconazole is an antifungal medication that combats many skin diseases.

Here are some facts about the safety of boric acid powder. Do not use boric acid powder if the problem is persistent. It may be helpful to use it topically or as an intrauterine suppository.

When should you visit your healthcare provider?


  • Vaginal itching can disrupt your life and affect how you sleep.
  • After a week of home remedies, vaginal itching does not improve
  • There are blisters on your genitals and especially around the vulva.
  • Redness, swelling, pain or tenderness are common in the genital region.
  • A change in the vaginal discharge and/or odor is noticed.
  • You feel pain or discomfort in your urination, or during sexual penetration
  • Are you having trouble urinating?

Although home remedies may be helpful in relieving symptoms, they won’t address the root cause. If you have any concerns about your symptoms, it is best to contact your healthcare provider.


Vaginal itching can be caused by many conditions. You may need prescription medication to treat some conditions. It is important to consult your healthcare provider to get a complete diagnosis.

Home remedies can help you feel more at ease during treatment, or even while your condition is resolving on its own.

For symptoms like persistent itching, bleeding, blistering or swelling, consult a healthcare provider.

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