Top 11 Ashwagandha Benefits For Females 2023

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What is Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha, an ancient medicinal plant, has the botanical name Withania simifera.

This small shrub is found in India, the Middle East and parts of Africa. The advocates of Ayurvedic medicine have been using Ashwagandha for women for more than 3000 year as an immune booster, nervous system soother, and enhancer to longevity and vitality.

Ashwagandha Benefits For Female

Ashwagandha belongs to the adaptogen group of plants. It can be used as a supplement, tea, powder, tincture, or raw form. Scientists continue to research the effectiveness of Ashwagandha in treating various body diseases, despite its use being known for thousands of years.

These are some potential benefits of ashwagandha for women

1. Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Perhaps Ashwagandha’s most notable property is its stress-relieving abilities. This advantage has been highlighted by numerous studies, which have shown that ashwagandha can significantly reduce stress levels and anxiety in participants[2][3].

One study showed that ashwagandha may improve sleep quality. Researchers found that participants slept better when given a higher dose of the herb than when they were given a placebo [4].

2. Lowers blood sugar and fat

A few small clinical studies have shown that ashwagandha can be useful in lowering blood glucose and triglycerides (the most prevalent type of fat in blood) . One study compared ashwagandha’s blood sugar-lowering abilities to medications for type2 diabetes [6].

3. Muscle and strength gains

Research continues to examine the effectiveness of ashwagandha in increasing strength and muscle size. One study showed that participants had increased speed and strength [7]. Another study found that ashwagandha consumption [8] led to an increase in muscle power and lower bodyfat percentage, as well as lower cholesterol. Some participants reported better sleep but the study didn’t compare ashwagandha with a placebo.

Another study with only male participants [9] showed positive results. Men who took ashwagandha had significant muscle gains (measured by leg extension exercises and bench press) as well as significant decreases in body fat and post-workout muscle injury.

4. Sharpens focus and memory

Ashwagandha is thought to improve memory, cognition, and motor skills after instructions. A few studies have shown that ashwagandha has a significant effect on participants’ reactions to cognitive and psychomotor tests [15].

A study found that ashwagandha had a significant effect on participants’ attention spans and their general memory in a range of tests [16].

5. Heart Health Supports

Two studies have demonstrated that ashwagandha can increase your VO2 max levels. This is the maximum amount you take in of oxygen while exercising [17][18]. These levels can be used to measure cardiorespiratory endurance, which is how well the heart and lungs deliver oxygen into muscles during exercise. A healthy heart can be characterized by a higher VO2max level.

This being said, the results of this study may not be universally applicable as it was only conducted with healthy, active adults and not a wider range of participants.

6. Help relieve stress and anxiety

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that prepares the body for dealing with stress. The study shows that it helps to control stress mediators like cortisol, and proteins such as heat shock proteins (first line defense cells against stress hormones).

Numerous studies have highlighted the health benefits of Ashwagandha supplement in decreasing stress and anxiety levels by lowering cortisol.

Ashwagandha is a natural remedy that can help women with chronic stress symptoms such as insomnia, extreme fatigue, and sleeplessness. Ayurvedic texts recommend ashwagandha to relieve tension, exhaustion and body ache.

7. Help Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is a normal response to trauma, infections, or toxins. The body will produce anti-inflammatory responses to restore balance in such situations.

In chronic pain cases, however, the body does not release the anti-inflammatory response, resulting in severe inflammation.

Studies have shown that Ashwagandha has traces of WA (Withanolide Phytochemicals) that play a crucial role in reducing inflammation. Ashwagandha tea made from dried leaves can provide instant relief for excess inflammation.

8. Cancer Treatments

Withaferin, a compound found in ashwagandha causes apoptosis (death of unwelcome cells). This aids in killing cancer cells. It even stops the growth of cancerous cells in many other ways.

WA can cause cancer cells to produce harmful ROS, or reactive oxygen species. This disrupts their functioning. Studies have shown that ashwagandha has many benefits for women. It helps to treat breast and ovarian carcinomas. It also prevents cancer from spreading to other organs.

9. Help regularize your menstrual cycle

Period irregularities, delayed periods, irregular periods and period cramps are all common. These problems are often experienced by women who have increased stress.

This is because hormonal imbalance can lead to reproductive problems in women, and even pregnancy-related complications. Ashwagandha has many benefits.

These issues can be maintained if you regularly drink ashwagandha with milk. It reduces hormonal imbalance and strengthens the functioning of your adrenal glands. It also stimulates blood flow. The hormone balance regulates the period cycle and improves fertility.

10. Help combat the Vaginal Infection

Vaginal infections may be helped by the antimicrobial and antibiotic properties of ashwagandha. Experts recommend this herb to treat yeast infections.

Ashwagandha Side Effects and Risks

Although Ashwagandha can be used safely and is non-toxic, there are some things you should consider before including it in your diet.

Are you taking any other medications? Let your doctor know if you are interested in adding ashwagandha to your daily routine. Ashwagandha can increase or decrease the effects of other medications.

Do you have any other health conditions? Ashwagandha can be dangerous if you’re pregnant, nursing, immunocompromised, undergoing surgery soon, or have a thyroid condition. You should also know that some people are allergic to nightshades, or have specific grass allergies and don’t tolerate Ashwagandha well. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions about ashwagandha.

How much should I take? Experts believe that a dose of 300 mg of ashwagandha may not be absorbed by the body. Unwanted side effects such as nausea and vomiting can be caused by larger doses. To get the best balance, you should take smaller doses of it more often.

Where is this ashwagandha from? Always verify the origin of herbs, especially if you are buying supplement capsules. Ask staff at natural foods and supplements shops for recommendations. Ask staff at natural foods and supplements stores for recommendations. Then, research the certifications, testing procedures, and product standards of each company. Check for heavy metals in products [19]. These metals can cause damage to the liver and kidneys, central nervous systems, immune system, reproductive system .


Ashwagandha, a herbal plant, is known for its ability to treat many issues such as period problems, PCOS, skin issues, weight gain, sleep issues, and more. It is a great way to improve your hormonal balance.

To avoid side effects, it is important to be careful with the use of this medication. Talk to your doctor immediately if you experience any serious complications.


Does Ashwagandha Balance Female Hormones?

Yes, Ashwagandha helps in balancing female hormones. Research claims that it helps to normalise blood cortisol and thyroidhormones. It regulates the reproductive hormones which aid in PCOS, period cramps.

It also provides pathways to the brain, which controls the production and regulation of hormones. Pregnant and nursing women should not take ashwagandha, as the compound could cause uterine contractions that can lead to premature birth or even miscarriage.

Can Ashwagandha Change Your Period?

Consuming ashwagandha capsules regulates sensitive reproductive hormones. The main reason for irregular or delayed periods is hormonal imbalance.

Ashwagandha can calm anxiety and stress, and create a healthy hormonal balance. This can help with period problems. Ashwagandha strengthens adrenal glands and improves blood flow. Ashwagandha can even increase fertility and regulate the menstrual cycle. Ashwagandha can help you change your period if it is irregular.

Is Ashwagandha Good For PCOS?

Yes. Ashwagandha is great for PCOS. PCOS, a common hormonal problem in women, is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Acne
  • Periods that are irregular
  • Increased male hormones, or androgens, can cause unwanted hair growth.
  • Ovaries form small fluid accumulations called follicles that prevent them from releasing eggs frequently.
  • Fatigue, etc.

PCOS can be treated with Ashwagandha. It controls stress hormones called cortisol, which can lead to weight gain. It even balances the body’s hormones and relieves anxiety and depression.

Ashwagandha can reverse PCOS symptoms, reduce insulin resistance, and treat thyroid imbalance. It’s also great for treating under-active thyroid hormones that are often associated with PCOS symptoms.

PCOS can suppress ovulation and lead to infertility. Ashwagandha can help with this condition, support the reproductive system, and regulate stress hormones.

Is Ashwagandha able to increase Estrogen levels?

The fertility health of a woman’s reproductive hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, is dependent on their availability. Consuming ashwagandha helps boost reproductive hormones.

Estrogen levels lower prolactin. This is especially beneficial for women with hyperprolactinemia, which occurs when the pituitary produces high levels of prolactin. A healthy level of prolactin is important to prevent metabolic stress.

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